This seminar was held on Oct 25, 2021.

Dr. Diana Kwok presented a community photovoice project to illuminate the experiences of LGBTQ+ young people in Hong Kong. Specific examples highlighted university students’ campus experiences. Overarching themes reflected negative experiences on campus, such as being excluded through misgendering and censorship. However, students also identified safe zones and active advocacy strategies related to their on‐campus experiences. Implications for fostering a sexual and gender inclusive culture, through course and research development within higher education were discussed.

Dr. Kwok is Associate Professor with the Department of Special Education and Counselling at the Education University of Hong Kong. She is a registered social worker, approved counselling supervisor, and a certified sex therapist. Diana used to work in schools, family, mental health, and LGBTQIA+ social service settings, in Hong Kong, and in the U.S. Her areas of research include sexual and transgender prejudice, cultural competence of professionals working with sexual and gender expansive communities; school experiences of LGBTQIA+ students; sexuality education for students with special educational needs.

Dr Kwok’s presentation was made all the more relevant as it was preceded by a presentation from representatives of HKUST’s Rainbow Bird Community. These students presented these slides

and findings from a survey of their members that indicate more needs to be done to support this community on campus. Some of the suggested solutions from this community would seem readily implementable.