This forum was held on March 25, 2021.

Seven students from different Schools took part in the discussion. They discussed the importance of the University’s goal: to embrace and value differences, to learn to learn from each other, and to foster a mindset of diversity that promotes inclusiveness, collegiality, and respect.’ (HKUST Strategic Plan 2021-2028). They suggested what more might be done to achieve this goal.

The panel also included two students from Li Po Chun, United World College of Hong Kong. UWC has as its mission to make: education a force to unite people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future’. It could be argued that UWC provides a model for HKUST to emulate.

This is the recording of the panel discussion.

Following the discussion, participants contributed responses to a Miro board. Here is the link to that board. Please feel free to add to the board and continue our discussion!